All Projects
Картье реплики часы для мужчин bchiboyd
Картье реплики часы для мужчин
オンラインパンドラチャーム rmlermois
طبعة خاصة الأبدي mondiminhb
طبعة خاصة الأبدي
1-Wire with Leds and Beeps oscar
My first 1-Wire project
12 Input Pulse Counter openenergymon
Design in development for a 12-input puse counter for interfacing with 12 utility meters
12 Input Pulse Counter trystanlea
4403x8 Output Driver tautic
8 Channel output driver based on the MMBT4403 PNP Transistor
5x8 LED Matrix tautic
This board is a 5x8 matrix of 40 LEDs
8 Channel LED Stacker tautic
A Convenient little board with a 74HC595 Shift Register and resistor pack.
Air Quality Egg Power UI Shield vicatcu
RGB/CapSense/Power Shield for Indoor Egg
Air Quality Egg Shield v1.6 vicatcu
SMD sensor revision to Air Quality Egg Shield 1.5
AirCasting AMU V1 habitatmap
The AirCasting Air Monitoring Unit (AMU) logs temperature, humidity, CO, & NO2 and communicates the data to the AirCasting app over Bluetooth.
AlaMode_v3 anool
An Arduino Shield for the Raspberry-Pi
JeeLabs Analog Plug jcw
4-channel 12- to 18-bit ADC connected via I2C
AQE CMOS Gas Add-On vicatcu
Add-on Module for E2V CMOS Gas sensors
AQE Dust Module vicatcu
EggBus interface module for Shinyei PPD42NS
AQE Sensor Interface Shield vicatcu
Air Quality Egg Shield for Nanode
AQE Compatible Geiger Counter
ard sd
Arduino DMX Receiver Shield skpang
Arduino Ethernet solderpad
A microcontroller board based on the ATmega328
Arduino Ethernet Shield solderpad
Allows an Arduino board to connect to the internet
Arduino Mega 2560 solderpad
A microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560
Arduino Mega ADK solderpad
Android Open Accessory Development Kit
Arduino Mega Pro 3.3V solderpad
3.3V microcontroller running a version of the stk500v2 bootloader at 8MHz
Arduino Nano 3 solderpad
Arduino Nano 3.0
Arduino Uno solderpad
Arduino Uno
armcan solderpad
A PCB with an AT91SAM7X128 processor with galvanically isolated CAN bus and power running off 24V DC.
AttenuatorX projectsnstuff
A Medium-Power, 50 MHz - 3 GHz, 10-95 dB RF Attenuator for hobby or professional use
ATtiny x313 Evaluation Board tiefpunkt
Evaluation board for atting2313 and 4313
ATX PSU Adaptor widget folknology
ATX power supply adaptor board
Audemars Piguet rmlermois
Audemars Piguet
Baume Mercier rmlermois
Baume Mercier
Beagleboard xM Rev C solderpad
low-power, low-cost, Linux capable single-board computer
MIGRATED SensorCape michael0310
A sensor packed add-on cape for the BeagleBone Black
Blinking LED psd
a 555 timer in astable operating mode
Bluetooth LE Multi-Remote jenswilly
IR multi-remote controlled by Bluetooth Low Energy
BotPatch folknology
A Protoboard for PiBot
BotSlice folknology
Bot Slice servo and uinipolar motor module
Breathing LED psd
a LED which slowly fades in and out
Breitling mondiminhb
Bug Labs BUGbase 2 solderpad
The BUG Base 2.0 Dock a.k.a. YT Edition
Bug Labs BUGduino solderpad
Use common Arduino tools and shields with BUG
Bug Labs BUGlocate solderpad
BUGlocate is a GPS receiver for BUG
Bug Labs BUGstinger solderpad
BUGstinger is BUG’s version of a developer’s docking station
Bug Labs BUGusb solderpad
USB 2.0 port to accommodate 3rd-party USB dongles and keyfobs
Bug Labs BUGvideo solderpad
Outputs images and HD video up to 720p via VGA and HDMI (DVI format)
Bug Labs BUGview 2 solderpad
LCD module for the BUGBase 2 (YT)
Bug Labs BUGvonHippel solderpad
Expands BUG connectivity with multiple interfaces.
BURT Mk-II DAQ alexwhittemore
Boston University Rocket Team's Mk-II static test motor data acquisition system.
CANDIY folknology
A minimalist CAN bus based sensor actuator board
Cellini Collection mondiminhb
Cellini Collection
CERN ARMadillo solderpad
Small multi-purpose ARM-based piggy-back PCB with Linux support
CERN FMC ADC 100M 14b 4cha solderpad
4 channel 100MSPS 14bit ADC card in FMC format
CERN RHINO solderpad
Reconfigurable Hardware Interface for Computing and Radio
Christian Louboutin обувь rmlermois
Christian Louboutin обувь
Ciseco RFu-328 Ethernet andrewdlindsay
Ciseco RFu-328 with Wiznet Wiz820io Ethernet module
ColorHug solderpad
display colorimeter; calibrate your screen for accurate color matching
Cord level meter tester bekeband
Silometer tester
Crossbody rmlermois
Data to audio pdgcg
Transmit data through phone audio jack to USB keyboard
Datejust 36 rmlermois
Datejust 36
Datejust II rmlermois
Datejust II
Datejust Lady 31 mondiminhb
Datejust Lady 31
JeeLabs DC Motor Plug jcw
A small board containing two H-bridges to drive small DC motors or a stepper
Dual Stepper Motor Module folknology
Open Source dual stepper motor driver constructed with through hole components
Eagle Blinking LED oshcamp
555 Timer blinking a LED, documented in Eagle
emonGLCD openenergymon
Wireless open-source graphical LCD display unit - Arduino compatible
emonPi pb66
Raspberry Pi plate to monitor and control energy usage
emonTH openenergymon
Temperature and humidity monitoring node
emonTx openenergymon
A low-power wireless energy-monitoring node - Arduino compatibly
emonTx Shield openenergymon
A wireless energy monitoring Arduino compatible shield
emonTx Shield SMT openenergymon
An Arduino compatible energy monitoring shield
emonTx Shield SMT trystanlea
emonTxV3 openenergymon
Latest generation of the emonTx Arduino compatible low power wireless energy monitoring node
energy monitor nervoushdw
my build
Enntec free usb dmx icoma
FTDI232RS to DMX512
erlhwdemo omerk
A simple demo board for the Raspberry Pi
Excitable Automaton arc12
Excitable Automaton
Flick vicatcu
A simple breakout for the ATtiny85 microcontroller
Floss-JTAG solderpad
USB JTAG adapter for 3.3V targets
Fluxlight folknology
Light Industrial coms based Flux motion controller
FluxPi folknology
A miniature motion controller for 3D printers, CNCs, Cutters, Routers and small worker bots
FluxSlice folknology
Hybrid motion controller slice
Fluxxi folknology
A hybrid motion controller for Xi
Free Charge Controller solderpad
a charge controller with MPPT (maximum power point tracking)
FreedomNode freenetfound
An open hardware/software node linking people to the FreeNetwork
FreedomSky thefnf
Wifi in the skys
FreedomTower freenetfound
An open source (hardware/software) wifi tower
Funky v2 mharizanov
Miniature Arduino Leonardo clone with RFM12b module
Gameduino solderpad
a game adapter for microcontrollers
Google ADK solderpad
Android Accessory Development Kit
JeeLabs Gravity Plug jcw
A small board containing a BMA020 3-axis accelerometer, connected via I2C
JeeLabs Heading Board jcw
A small board containing the HDPM01 compass module by HopeRF
helix_4 FPGA Breadstick thinlayerfpga
It's an FPGA Dev Board for a Breadboard
helix_4 FPGA Module thinlayerfpga
An Open Source Altera Cyclone IV FPGA Module
helix_4 FPGA Multi-Shield DevBrd thinlayerfpga
An Altera Cyclone IV Development Board w/ Three Arduino Shield Sockets
Hublot Masterpiece rmlermois
Hublot Masterpiece
Hybrid Open Motor Module folknology
Hybrid Open Motor Module
Illuminatrix Master bendelarre
A master controller board for the Illuminatrix project
IR-duino vicatcu
Arduino Compatible with integrated IR link
IWC Replica Horloges Te Koop rmlermois
IWC Replica Horloges Te Koop
jazda pcz
JeeLabs JeeLink v3 jcw
USB stick with an Atmel ATmega processor and a HopeRF wireless radio
JeeLabs JeeNode v6 jcw
A low-cost combination of radio and microcontroller board
LeafLabs Maple solderpad
An Arduino-compatible microcontroller board with a 72MHz 32bit ARM Cortex M3
LeafLabs Maple Mini solderpad
An Arduino-compatible microcontroller board with a 72MHz 32bit ARM Cortex M3
LED Gun Lights cylindric
A simple LED display for toy guns
Liens de montres Londres rmlermois
Liens de montres Londres
Lieve rmlermois
Light UAV openrelief
A light UAV
LightRider test markt
Little LED test project
LilyPad Arduino solderpad
a microcontroller board designed for wearables and e-textiles
Links of London Sweetie Armband rmlermois
Links of London Sweetie Armband
Longines Bellearti rmlermois
Longines Bellearti
JeeLabs Lux Plug jcw
A small board containing a TSL2561 chip, which connects to the I2C bus and measures incident light levels
Mains Frequency Meter 9600
Arduino-based moving coil mains frequency meter
Maple Native Beta solderpad
An Arduino-compatible microcontroller board with a 72MHz 32bit ARM Cortex M3
MAX31855 Thermocouple Converter tautic
Thermocouple to Digital Converter
mbedGC solderpad
Video game console based around the mbed microcontroller.
MeerBot floods
To encourage children to understand the link between the physical world and electronics
MightyOhm Geiger Counter solderpad
A Geiger counter that logs to a serial port
MilkyMist One solderpad
video synthesizer / reconfigurable computer
Mini Bipolar Hbridge markt
Small surface mount Hbridge for 1A or so
Little Wire ihsan_kehribar
Minimal designed v-usb based usbtiny compatible avr isp programmer, adc logger, USB controlled digital I/O and much more.
minimp omerk
A minimal breakout for the Electric Imp
Modern Device USB BUB II solderpad
USB to TTL serial adapter
Moncler Dúin Veisteanna Fir rmlermois
Moncler Dúin Veisteanna Fir
Moncler Männer : mondiminhb
Moncler Männer :
Montblanc Meisterstuck rmlermois
Montblanc Meisterstuck
JeeLabs MOSFET Plug jcw
A small board containing two high-power MOSFETs for switching DC loads
MQTT-S Test Board mattdaubney
A small XBee board with a display for testing an MQTT-S implimentation
Multi Axis Motion Controller folknology
Multi Axis Motion Controller
My College Experiment jacobjthomas
Building a UAV
Nanode monsonite
A low cost, Network Application Node with Ethernet Connectivity
Nanode Gateway v7.2 vicatcu
Arduino Compatible + Ethernet + RTC + SRAM + RF + SD
Nanode RF monsonite
Like a Nanode - but with RF transceiver
Numeric controller folknology
An open source numeric controller for monitoring and controlling various devices
Nutclough calrecaudio
A fun audio amplifier that can be used with an MP3 player or smartphone
ODRSeis klattimer
OpenDisasterRelief Seismic Sensor
omega ure mondiminhb
omega ure
OpAmpJtagTest sz72
Level-shifter made with op-amps for low voltage jtag access
Open Bot Controller folknology
The Bot Board
Open Energy Controller folknology
Energy management and efficient lighting for remote applications
Open Hydroponics evandavey
A project for open hardware hydroponics systems
Open Motion Controller folknology
Open Source Motion Controller, designed to drive up to 6 steppers and 6 PWMs
Open Motion Encoder folknology
Open Motion Encoder
Open Source VFD tomwj
Open source Variable Frequency Drive for Induction Motor
Open Spa Monitor brian_huebner
A hot tub or pool internet of things monitor
Openbiosprog-spi solderpad
USB-based programmer for SPI chips
OSHUG PCB Badge omerk
OSWIN nathanchantrell
Open Source Wireless IoT Node based on the ATmega1284P
Patchslice folknology
A patching and prototyping slice
Persistence Of Vision 555 Hack andyjpb
OSHCamp Persistence Of Vision 555 Hack
phduino solderpad
An open software open hardware pH meter using an Arduino/Freeduino board
PiBot folknology
A bot exploration board for Raspberry Pi
PIC18F14K50 USB PTH Dev Board tautic
Add USB to your projects easily with this board.
PIC24E Starter Kit Road Test robotonics
Pixi folknology
Pixi is a Realtime Raspberry Pi Expander
ponte omerk
Arduino – Raspberry Pi Bridge
Proteus folknology
Versatile Multicore Embeded Prototyping and Exploration
ProtocolCape anujdeshpande
A BeagleBone cape to learn about different protocols
ProtoSlice folknology
Prototyping Slice module for Xmos SliceKit
Radiation detector openrelief
A low cost ionisation chamber-based radiation detector
Rado ure mondiminhb
Rado ure
Railway Crossing Lights psd
a pair of alternating, blinking LEDs
Rascal Micro Rascal solderpad
A small computer that you can use to monitor and control the world remotely
Relógios Breitling mondiminhb
Relógios Breitling
Replica A. Lange & Söhne rmlermois
Replica A. Lange & Söhne
Replica Audemars Piguet mondiminhb
Replica Audemars Piguet
Replica Baume & Mercier rmlermois
Replica Baume & Mercier
Replica IWC Ure mondiminhb
Replica IWC Ure
RFM12B Breakout nathanchantrell
A breakout board for the RFM12B transceiver
RFu Display andrewdlindsay
Ciseco RFu-328 and TFT LCD display
Roger Vivier Sandalen mondiminhb
Roger Vivier Sandalen
Ronja 10M Receiver solderpad
For receiving a signal from Ronja 10M Metropolis Transmitter or Nebulus
Ronja 10M Transmitter solderpad
A red light transmitter that gives 1.4km distance with Ronja 130mm Tubular Head
Ronja Twister 2 solderpad
Twister 2 is for connecting 10Mbps Ronja to an RJ-45 equipped network card or switch
RS-485 BoosterPack skarg
An RS-485 BoosterPack for TI Launchpad boards. Uses through hole compenents.
RS485 Breakout Board vicatcu
Breakout board for the LTC3515
SciGames Slide Sensor Board jmsaavedra
Circuit for Slide Game Board
Seeedstudio GPRS Shield solderpad
A GSM module for Arduino with SMS, audio and GPRS support
Seeedstudio NFC Shield solderpad
A Near Field Communication interface for Arduino
Seguino folknology
A Sanguino like controller with triple 7 seg display
sensorless BLDC controller markt
sensorless BLDC controller (less the microcontroller)
Serial 16-LED Driver vicatcu
16 LED constant current shift register
Slice Cobbler folknology
A way to link Slicekit to a breadboard
Small Stepper Controller markt
bipolar chopper drive for small steppers in 0.3 to 1.7A range.
Solaro anujdeshpande
Getting electronics friendly voltages from a solar panel
SparkFun OpenLog solderpad
Open Source Hardware Datalogger
Spyder Fleece Beanie Hoeden rmlermois
Spyder Fleece Beanie Hoeden
SRF Dual Relay Board andrewdlindsay
Dual relay board based on Ciseco SRF radio module
SRF Multi purpose sensor andrewdlindsay
Ciseco SRF based thermistor and switch sensor
Stepper-motor controller markt
Hysteresis chopper-drive circuit for upto 6A stepper motors.
StickIt-Buttons xesscorp
A 6x2 array of tact switches.
StickIt-LedDigits xesscorp
A string of eight 7-segment LEDs.
StickIt Motherboard xesscorp
Motherboard for connecting PMOD and Wing modules to the XuLA FPGA board.
StickIt-PS2 xesscorp
Dual PS/2 interface
StickIt-Vga xesscorp
A 16,384-color VGA interface.
synapse-relay yzf600
Add on board for a Synapse Wireless module
Temperature Strip dirkx
Measure temperatures in a range of places with ease
Tepid folknology
Tepid is a simple PID controller
The Board omerk
Parallel blinkenlights!
Tiny328 Wireless Arduino Clone nathanchantrell
ATmega328 and RFM12B based IoT node
TinyTX nathanchantrell
Wireless sensor node (Now superceded by TinyTX3:
TinyTX3 Wireless Sensor Node nathanchantrell
An ATtiny84 and RFM12B based wireless sensor node
TLogger tomwj
Low cost and low power wireless data logger with realtime clock
Tokyo Hackerspace NETRAD solderpad
The Tokyo Hackerspace/RDTN Geiger project
Traffic Light Shield jmclean
Arduino powered traffic lights
Twig 3-axis Compass solderpad
3-Axis Compass module
Ubertooth Zero solderpad
Bluetooth monitoring and development platform
uCAN Slice folknology
A slice expansion card that supports uCan and CanBus
USB current monitor markt
Inline USB A current monitor with 7-segment LED display
USnooBie solderpad
Easy Open Source AVR USB Device Development Kit
vftweak omerk
A programmable tool for silicon enthusiasts
widdop oshug
A puzzle!
WiNode monsonite
A Wireless Sensing and Control Node - based on emonTx and JeeNode
Work in Progress mu
This is a test project just for testing how to create projects.
wuther oshug
A special version of the Little Wire USB multi-tool
XBMC USB Controller solderpad
XBMC USB Controller for Media Center PCs
Xi folknology
Xi is a rapid modular prototyping system for bots and realworld interfacing
Low-cost AVB audio endpoint using the XMOS XS1-L2 device
XMOS USB Audio 2 xmos
Certified USB 2.0 High Speed device and Audio Class 2.0 device reference design
XMOS USB Audio 2 MC xmos
Certified USB 2.0 High Speed device and Audio Class 2.0 device multichannel reference design
XMOS XK-1A xmos
Development board for the XMOS XS1-L1 device
Curios 101 folknology
A board to make using Xmos XS1 more accessible
XuLA xesscorp
A Small FPGA Board in a DIP.
XuLA Logic Analyzer xesscorp
Um, a logic analyzer add-on for XuLA...
Popular tags:
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