SolderPad solderpad
SolderPad is a place to share, discover and collaborate on electronic projects. Herein a collection of projects from around the Web, cloned under the terms of their respective licences.
Please note that development for the projects presented under the solderpad user will take place elsewhere, and before making use of files it is advisable to check that there are not later revisions available at, or at a resource linked from, a project's official homepage.
These projects have been cloned here in an effort to help map and understand the open source hardware landscape. If you believe that any details are incorrect or you'd like to discuss anything to do with this usage please get in touch.
Arduino Ethernet solderpad
A microcontroller board based on the ATmega328
Arduino Ethernet Shield solderpad
Allows an Arduino board to connect to the internet
Arduino Mega 2560 solderpad
A microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560
Arduino Mega ADK solderpad
Android Open Accessory Development Kit
Arduino Mega Pro 3.3V solderpad
3.3V microcontroller running a version of the stk500v2 bootloader at 8MHz
Arduino Nano 3 solderpad
Arduino Nano 3.0
Arduino Uno solderpad
Arduino Uno
armcan solderpad
A PCB with an AT91SAM7X128 processor with galvanically isolated CAN bus and power running off 24V DC.
Beagleboard xM Rev C solderpad
low-power, low-cost, Linux capable single-board computer
Bug Labs BUGbase 2 solderpad
The BUG Base 2.0 Dock a.k.a. YT Edition
Bug Labs BUGduino solderpad
Use common Arduino tools and shields with BUG
Bug Labs BUGlocate solderpad
BUGlocate is a GPS receiver for BUG
Bug Labs BUGstinger solderpad
BUGstinger is BUG’s version of a developer’s docking station
Bug Labs BUGusb solderpad
USB 2.0 port to accommodate 3rd-party USB dongles and keyfobs
Bug Labs BUGvideo solderpad
Outputs images and HD video up to 720p via VGA and HDMI (DVI format)
Bug Labs BUGview 2 solderpad
LCD module for the BUGBase 2 (YT)
Bug Labs BUGvonHippel solderpad
Expands BUG connectivity with multiple interfaces.
CERN ARMadillo solderpad
Small multi-purpose ARM-based piggy-back PCB with Linux support
CERN FMC ADC 100M 14b 4cha solderpad
4 channel 100MSPS 14bit ADC card in FMC format
CERN RHINO solderpad
Reconfigurable Hardware Interface for Computing and Radio
ColorHug solderpad
display colorimeter; calibrate your screen for accurate color matching
Floss-JTAG solderpad
USB JTAG adapter for 3.3V targets
Free Charge Controller solderpad
a charge controller with MPPT (maximum power point tracking)
Gameduino solderpad
a game adapter for microcontrollers
Google ADK solderpad
Android Accessory Development Kit
LeafLabs Maple solderpad
An Arduino-compatible microcontroller board with a 72MHz 32bit ARM Cortex M3
LeafLabs Maple Mini solderpad
An Arduino-compatible microcontroller board with a 72MHz 32bit ARM Cortex M3
LilyPad Arduino solderpad
a microcontroller board designed for wearables and e-textiles
Maple Native Beta solderpad
An Arduino-compatible microcontroller board with a 72MHz 32bit ARM Cortex M3
mbedGC solderpad
Video game console based around the mbed microcontroller.
MightyOhm Geiger Counter solderpad
A Geiger counter that logs to a serial port
MilkyMist One solderpad
video synthesizer / reconfigurable computer
Modern Device USB BUB II solderpad
USB to TTL serial adapter
Openbiosprog-spi solderpad
USB-based programmer for SPI chips
phduino solderpad
An open software open hardware pH meter using an Arduino/Freeduino board
Rascal Micro Rascal solderpad
A small computer that you can use to monitor and control the world remotely
Ronja 10M Receiver solderpad
For receiving a signal from Ronja 10M Metropolis Transmitter or Nebulus
Ronja 10M Transmitter solderpad
A red light transmitter that gives 1.4km distance with Ronja 130mm Tubular Head
Ronja Twister 2 solderpad
Twister 2 is for connecting 10Mbps Ronja to an RJ-45 equipped network card or switch
Seeedstudio GPRS Shield solderpad
A GSM module for Arduino with SMS, audio and GPRS support
Seeedstudio NFC Shield solderpad
A Near Field Communication interface for Arduino
SparkFun OpenLog solderpad
Open Source Hardware Datalogger
Tokyo Hackerspace NETRAD solderpad
The Tokyo Hackerspace/RDTN Geiger project
Twig 3-axis Compass solderpad
3-Axis Compass module
Ubertooth Zero solderpad
Bluetooth monitoring and development platform
USnooBie solderpad
Easy Open Source AVR USB Device Development Kit
XBMC USB Controller solderpad
XBMC USB Controller for Media Center PCs
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