
The mbedGC is an open source video game console based around the mbed microcontroller. It is intended for hobbyists, students and engineers interested in developing video games. The game console was developed as a senior design project by a team of 5 electrical and computer engineering students from Florida International University.
The mbedGC is an expansion board and a framework for the mbed microcontroller. It gives the mbed the ability to produce audio & video on a television screen. The framework is freely available and it allows anyone to create their own video games using the mbedGC.


Bill of Materials
Designator | Value | Description |
C1 | .1uF | CAPACITOR, American symbol |
C2 | .1uF | CAPACITOR, American symbol |
C3 | .1uF | CAPACITOR, American symbol |
C4 | .1uF | CAPACITOR, American symbol |
C5 | 10uF | POLARIZED CAPACITOR, American symbol |
C6 | .1uF | CAPACITOR, American symbol |
C7 | .1uF | CAPACITOR, American symbol |
C8 | 10uF | POLARIZED CAPACITOR, American symbol |
C11 | 22pF | CAPACITOR, American symbol |
C12 | 22pF | CAPACITOR, American symbol |
IC1 | 74HCT04D | Hex INVERTER |
J1 | POWER_JACKRCA | Power Jack |
J2 | POWER_JACKRCA | Power Jack |
KIT1 | MBED_NXP_LPC1768 | Mbed LPC1768 - ARM CORTEX v2.1 |
QF2 | 10M20AHC49U | Monolithic Crystal Filters |
R1 | 470 | RESISTOR, American symbol |
R2 | 1K | RESISTOR, American symbol |
R3 | 2.2K | RESISTOR, American symbol |
R4 | 470 | RESISTOR, American symbol |
R5 | 1K | RESISTOR, American symbol |
R6 | 2.2K | RESISTOR, American symbol |
R7 | 470 | RESISTOR, American symbol |
R8 | 1K | RESISTOR, American symbol |
R9 | 75 | RESISTOR, American symbol |
R10 | 75 | RESISTOR, American symbol |
R11 | 75 | RESISTOR, American symbol |
R16 | 5M | RESISTOR, American symbol |
R17 | 22 | RESISTOR, American symbol |
R19 | 374 | RESISTOR, American symbol |
R23 | 301 | RESISTOR, American symbol |
U$1 | SSOP28 | |
U$2 | WIIMOTE | |
U$3 | RJ45-8PTH | RJ45 Jack |
U$4 | WIIMOTE | |
X1 | USBPTH | USB Connectors |
This project is © mbedGC, and is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported licence.