ColorHug solderpad
display colorimeter; calibrate your screen for accurate color matching

ColorHug is an open source hardware colorimeter, a small accessory that measures displayed colors very accurately. It is held on your display and plugged into a spare USB port on the computer for the duration of the calibration.
Using the ColorHug it takes about a minute to take several hundred measurements from which the client software creates an ICC color profile. This color profile file can then be saved and used to make colors look correct on your monitor.
This project is a clone of the project https://gitorious.org/colorhug where the latest versions of the hardware, firmware and drivers are maintained.
The product is available for sale from hughsie.com.


Bill of Materials
Designator | Value | Description |
C3 | 100nf | CAPACITOR (0805) |
C4 | 100nf | CAPACITOR (0805) |
C5 | 100nf | CAPACITOR (0805) |
C8 | 100nf | CAPACITOR (0805) |
C6 | 10uf | CAPACITOR (0805) |
C9 | 1uf | CAPACITOR (0805) |
C1 | 22pf | CAPACITOR (0805) |
C2 | 22pf | CAPACITOR (0805) |
X1 | 12MHz | CRYSTAL (HC49smt) |
D1 | unknown | DIODE (0805) |
J1 | \\_MCLR\\_ | JUMPER (JUMPER2) |
U3 | unknown | L78L33AC (SOT89) |
LED0 | unknown | LED (0805) |
LED1 | unknown | LED (0805) |
U? | unknown | PIC18F46J50 (TQFP44_10) |
R1 | 10k | RESISTOR (0805) |
R2 | 1k | RESISTOR (0805) |
R3 | 1k | RESISTOR (0805) |
R4 | 1k | RESISTOR (0805) |
U1 | unknown | TCS3200 (SO8) |
CONN2 | unknown | USB (USB_mini_TYPE-B_SMT_truncated) |
This project is © Richard Hughes, and is published under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 licence.