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Nutclough calrecaudio

A fun audio amplifier that can be used with an MP3 player or smartphone

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  • 9600 updated11 years ago
  • 9600 updated11 years ago
  • 9600 updated11 years ago
  • 9600 updated11 years ago
  • 9600 updated11 years ago
  • 9600 updated11 years ago

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The Nutclough is a portable audio amplifier complete with a loudspeaker, that can be used with a MP3 player, smartphone or similar audio source.

The kit was developed as part of Calrec's 50th Anniversary celebrations and is used in public workshops.

Initial design was carried out by Calrec and with PCB design by Boldport.

A special edition of the kit was given away at Open Source Hardware Camp 2014.

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Bill of Materials

Designator Value Description
C1 220uf capacitor, 16V radial electrolytic
C2 220nf capacitor, 63v radial polyester
C3 47uf capacitor, 16V radial electrolytic
C4 47uf capacitor, 16V radial electrolytic
C5 470pf capacitor, 100v ceramic
C6 47uf capacitor, 16V radial electrolytic
C7 220nf capacitor, 63v radial polyester
C8 220nf capacitor, 63v radial polyester
C9 220uf capacitor, 16V radial electrolytic
D1 LED 5mm LED, through-hole
IC1 TBA820M 1.2W audio amplifier, DIP8
J1 3.5mm jack socket 3.5mm stereo jack socket, PCB right-angle
J2 3.5mm jack socket 3.5mm stereo jack socket, PCB right-angle
LS1 4W loudspeaker, 4W, 4 ohm, 3 inch square
R1 330R resistor, 0.25W 1%
R2 1R resistor, 0.25W 1%
R3 27K resistor, 0.25W 1%
R4 4K7 resistor, 0.25W 1%
R5 4K7 resistor, 0.25W 1%
R6 56R resistor, 0.25W 1%
R7 470R resistor, 0.25W 1%
SW1 toggle switch switch, PCB DPDT horizontal
VR1 10K 10K log pot, through-hole



This project is © Calrec Audio Ltd, and is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.