
This is effectively the "hello world" of the 555 Timer, and the basis of a number of other circuits. The speed and duration of the blinking are governed by the values [R1] and [R2].


Bill of Materials
Designator | Value | Description |
C1 | 1µF | Electrolytic capacitor; 1µF; voltage 10V |
R1 | 1kΩ | Resistor |
R2 | 1kΩ | Resistor |
R3 | 470kΩ | Resistor |
LED1 | LED-05G | 5mm LED green |
U1 | NE555 | 555 Timer |
VCC1 | 9V | 9V battery, PP3 or similar |
This project is published under the terms of the BSD License licence.