
A classic 555 Timer circuit made at oshcamp using a kit kindly provided by .:oomlout:. and documented using Fritzing.
The rate of the breathing is governed by the charging and discharging of capacitor [C1], with a smaller value of say 33µF speeding up the breathing rate. The resistor [R2] may be slightly tweaked to adjust the rate, for example try 22kΩ.


Bill of Materials
Designator | Value | Description |
C1 | 100µF | Electrolytic capacitor; 100µF; voltage 10V |
R1 | 33kΩ | Resistor |
R2 | 470kΩ | Resistor |
LED1 | LED-10W-F | 10mm LED frosted white |
TR1 | BC547 | NPN-Transistor |
U1 | NE555 | 555 Timer |
VCC1 | 9V | 9V battery, PP3 or similar |
This project is published under the terms of the BSD License licence.