CERN RHINO solderpad
Reconfigurable Hardware Interface for Computing and Radio

The RHINO Project is an Open Source effort born out of the radar remote sensing group at the University of Cape Town in South Africa, motivated by CASPER and the SKA Africa project. The goal of the project is to provide a hardware platform and software toolchain for Software Defined Radio (SDR) which is both easy to use, easy to learn and affordable to a broad audience. It is hoped that this effort will consolidate and enhance the teaching and research resources available for Software Defined Radio (SDR).
RHINO Hardware follows the same fundamental computer architecture as the current ROACH-based CASPER hardware, namely a single FPGA element with memory, high speed communication, and IO expansion slots, all controlled via a processor running the BORPH operating system. Below is an overview of the RHINO architecture.

This project does not have a board layout.
Bill of Materials
This project does not have a bill of materials.
This project is © CERN, and is published under the terms of the TAPR Open Hardware License, version 1.0 licence.